Monday 10 October 2011

Self Evaluation!

After reflecting over all the work I've done over the last 5 weeks, I've evaluated my self and the way I work.

Areas in Level Criteria

(1) Complete - do we know who did what?
In this area I reckon I'm about a level three/four, somewhere in between. I've done quite a lot of research and a fair amount of planning and on some pieces, my work is a lot more detailed and full than other pieces.

(2) Useful research and demonstrate learning or just copying?
I think I'm probably just edging on level four in this area because I have done a lot of research into thrillers and audience. I've watched many more thriller films over the last month than I ever have in my life. I've also researched extensively about iconic thriller directors and typical synopsis' within the genre as well  as writing my own review of thriller film Like Minds.

(3) Care/Creativity in the Presentation
I think in this area, I'm somewhere between level three and four because I've tried really hard to present the information in a creative and different way, that stands out. I've used various medias such as video and voice overs to keep my work interesting to read and good to look at, particularly at first glance.

(4) Time Management 
I have tried my absolute best to put in at least four hours of independent studying and work each week but I have found it difficult which is why I think I'm only on a level two at this moment in time, but I plan to reach at least level three within the next few weeks/month.

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