Saturday 5 November 2011

Group Work - Audience Research Statistics

    Fight Club

Interestingly, 43% of raters gave Fight Club a ten and I'm not surprised, it is, in my opinion, a significant film in the timeline of the thriller genre. An sligght amount more of men than women rated on the film and it was better accepted by people under the age of eighteen, as ages go up, less and less people voted. This shows that the film is intended for a younger audience, with references to modern life in 1999 and also a fast paced story, as seen in the trailer, to keep people and mainly youngsters interested. I get why this film would appeal more in the majority to males than females as there is a lot of action and the cast is very male dominated, apart obviously from Helena Bonham Carter's character. But there's a lot to keep the audience involved and intrigued and it's just a generally great movie.

Taxi Driver
29% of raters also gave a ten to the film Taxi Driver. The film is largely accepted and liked by males both under eighteen years and also aged between 18 and 29. Women aren't far behind in terms of rating either and the film is mainly rated in 8, 9 and 10.

The majority of raters (30%) on IMDB rated Taken as an 8. The film was well accepted by both females and males, with males leading the rating, similiar to the other films I've looked at. Interestingly, again, more people under eighteen years old have rated this film, showing that perhaps the entire genre of thriller is more intended for younger people and the film makers play on this and manipulate the films into putting this point across. 

Inception is one of the highest grossing thriller films and you can see how much it's liked by the raters, as 49% of the raters gave the film a 10 on IMDB. Interestingly, both males and females liked it and rated and although the number of people does go down as the age groups get older, the film is widely accepted and watched. Inception is a very universal thrillerand I think the target audience is very wide and vague, which allows more people the encouragement they need to go and watch it.

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